If you can certainly relate, it might be time to take ownership of your career – to be more purposeful and proactive – and really figure out what it is you want next.
But first you need to stop, reflect and then ask yourself some big questions. Here are three:
How Happy/Content/Inspired Am I In My Career?
Your core values, which represent who you are, are integral to feeling content and fulfilled at work. They’re what propel you forward, giving you energy rather than draining you. These moments are when you are fully value- and mission-aligned. Not exactly sure what your core values are? Here’s a comprehensive list.
Select your top five values and ask yourself if your job is allowing you to express these values on a daily basis. What’s more, how well are you able to express them, and rate your answers from one to 10, with 10 being ideal. For example, if you value balance, how much balance is your current role providing? Is it a six? What would make it an eight or nine? Maybe you value learning or growth, but you find yourself stuck doing the same tasks, day in, day out. Start thinking about ways to express more of your core values at work, either within your organisation or at another organisation altogether.
What Action Can I Take Now For Future Growth?
As the saying goes, ‘Great oaks from little acorns grow’: it’s the small, regular actions each day that lead to career success. Think about your three/five/10-year goals. What can you be doing right now to achieve them in the long term? Is it learning another language, growing your network or experimenting with new mindsets and behaviours? People underestimate the impact that small, consistent steps can have on careers, particularly when the payoff isn’t instant or the success isn’t guaranteed.
What Relationships Should I Focus On?
There’s no question that relationships are fundamental to career success. You simply can’t do it alone, even if you think you can. The problem is, oftentimes people get so caught up with the job at hand, they forget about the people around them. When they finally stop work and look around, everyone’s gone. Think about your current network. How strong is it? How much effort are you putting into each person? Who else needs to be in your network? What are the relationships that you want to build, maintain and leverage to facilitate achieving your long-term goals?
Figuring out what you want next in your career is an empowering experience once you know exactly what you do and do not want out of your next role. Those who don’t take the time to evaluate their own values are those who end up being stagnant, stuck and miserable. It might be time to be more intentional so you can ensure that you achieve your definition of career success.
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