Everyone’s Wearing Emerald Green This Season
Synonymous with growth, harmony and new beginnings, it's never been a better time to be green.
Everyone's wearing emerald green

Ever since Keira Knightley floated on to the silver screen in Atonement, we’ve had a thing for an emerald green gown. The cut, the colour, that back; it was breathtaking.

Fast forward nearly 15 years and the dress is just as iconic. Maybe even more so, as the colour green is definitely having a moment. From Fashion Week to your Instagram feed, Bottega Veneta to Louis Vuitton, the emerald hue is everywhere and it’s not by accident.

The colour of nature and the one most connected with sustainability, green is associated with hope and optimism, perhaps even the colour of life itself, which is just what we need after the year we’ve had. As the most central colour on the spectrum, it’s tied to a sense of balance and harmony and is also, interestingly, the colour that is the easiest for our eyes to adjust to. It’s no wonder Pantone named the shade ‘Leprechaun 18-6022’ as a leading colour for its Fall 2021-2022 NYFW Colour Forecast earlier this year, calling it a tribute to “the fun side of nature”. Want to go green? Here are four ways.

1. THE DRESS. For an outfit that requires minimum effort but provides maximum impact, you’ll be hard-pushed to beat this Alexander McQueen dress worn by the ever-stylish Giovanna Engelbert – Miu Mius optional but advised.

2. THE SKIRT. There’s tulle, some stripes and a pair of cat-eye glasses. Honestly, what more could you want.

3. THE BLAZER. For something a little more casual but no less stylish, you can’t beat a blazer, T-shirt and jeans. But it’s the Converse that really make this look.

4. THE ACCESSORY. Want to go green but not ready to fully commit? We get it. Bag yourself a chic accessory, like 
Olivia Culpo or Pernille Teisbaek. For the record, we have our eye on this suede envelope bag from Bottega Veneta and these initial necklaces from Pacharee.

