Louise Stokes On How She Thrives In The Workplace
From her greatest strength to her favourite piece of business advice, these are the style and work rules she lives by
Louise Stokes Loulerie
Louise Stokes is an Irish jewellery designer, and the founder of the beautiful Dublin-based brand, Loulerie. She has been creating collectible jewellery for over 16 years.


My career began… very early on. I always had a part-time job working in retail and this ignited my love for all things jewellery and fashion. However, my career really began when I made the decision to move to New York when I finished college and I got an internship with a large jewellery company. I can’t quite believe it, but this was over 20 years ago now.


My first piece of jewellery was… a gold bangle with my name on it – I must have only been seven or eight and I absolutely loved it.


I start each workday by… drinking coffee – lots of coffee. I am much better now at organising my time and focusing only on the priorities, so I start each day with a list of what I need to get done and that helps me really focus.


I finish each day with… a bath and some relaxing music. I need that to totally switch off and calm my mind at the end of a busy day. I also finish with some reading – it’s a much healthier habit for me than scrolling on my phone or checking work emails just before sleep.


At work, I couldn’t function without… my phone. Running an online business, having a retail store, buying international brands, and working on design projects means I have to be able to manage multiple things at once. So, everything runs on my phone – it’s where I can instantly connect with people. I have everything saved in my calendar – my design mood boards, my meeting notes. It saves me a lot of time having everything stored in the one place.


My greatest strength is… my curiosity and future-focused approach to running a business. I never stop learning; I’m looking for new ways to do things, improve my skills, and run a more efficient business.


I would describe my leadership style as… empathetic, empowering and human. I have had many different bosses and leaders over the years, and when I was in New York as an intern it was a very different time. I experienced lots of styles of leadership – some good and some bad. I vowed to take a more human approach to my leadership style. At the end of the day, I am many things – I’m a mother, daughter, friend and leader. I am so proud to work with the women in my team, and I feel very honoured to have them working with my brand and believing in my vision.


I would describe my fashion style as… very minimalist, classic, with a slight edge. I feel at my age I have really found my own style and I’m comfortable in who I am. I stick to neutral shades and monochrome looks – I like effortless simple style. I like to add something a little unique or different with my jewellery – that’s how I show my personality.


My favourite jewellery trend right now is… chunky silver. It was something I loved growing up and I like to see styles reinvented and worn with a new perspective. I’m also obsessed with signet rings and pinkie rings.


I manage my stress by… I am a work in progress when it comes to stress. I work very hard and as an entrepreneur it is a challenge to switch off. Even when away on holiday or not working, I always feel I should be working or I feel the need to respond to things because I love what I do. This constant workload can lead to me feeling immense stress which in the past has manifested in migraine and my body actually forcing me to rest. I am much more aware now that I have to take breaks and that self-care is the number one priority for me. Time away from my phone, being quiet out in nature – I love to walk by the sea – and spending time with my friends and family where I’m just me, warts and all, really helps me see what’s important in life. I also started hot yoga again last year – something I haven’t done in years – and that really helps me manage stress.


Louise Stokes Loulerie jewellery



A good day is… a delicious coffee, a hug with my kids, a new design arriving on my desk, an early dinner with my husband, and a good Netflix show.


Success is… very personal. For me, it’s having a happy, contented life. I love what I do – I’m proud of my brand and of how we have grown and remained true to our core values. Walking into a happy team, working on exciting projects that we decide to do together, and setting our own pace of growth, is success for me.


Failure is… a great motivator. The fear of failure used to have a paralysing hold over every decision that I made. However, I have had many failures now in my personal and business life and I’m still standing. I’m still here because I worked through them. I realise now that failure is crucial to life; there is no success without failure. It’s where all the learning happens, where the lessons are learnt. It forces you to look at your life, examine the direction you thought you were going, and then maybe have a sudden change. Failure is saying yes to the things that I don’t want to do.


My favourite piece of business advice is… never settle. I think this came from my time in New York, when excellence and achieving high standards and working really hard for something you really believe in was formed.


My favourite piece of jewellery advice… is there are no rules. Looking back over the years, there were so many rules about jewellery but I’ve never conformed to these strict boundaries. Jewellery is such a personal thing. It’s worn on the skin and it’s that last piece you put on before you leave that makes you feel like you or makes you feel a little bit more special.


My favourite piece of life advice is… be so grounded in yourself that nobody’s absence or presence can disturb your inner peace. I love this sentiment of having such self-awareness and knowledge of who you are that you’re not susceptible to your mood or your happiness changing based on your surroundings or those things that are outside of your control.

